Hypnosis (Rapid Transformational Therapy)

Most of us aren’t aware of what drives our habits and behaviors - subconscious blocks - so we self-sabotage. We continue using the same patterns over and over again. Unless we transform the root, no matter what we try to change at the surface level, we will always revert to old, familiar patterns of behavior.  We feel like failures for not being committed or dedicated which in turn increases depression, anxiety and reinforces trauma responses. Your mind is like an elastic band. It continues to bounce back to what it knows; what is familiar path. Hypnosis can stretch and break that “elastic band” entirely. In other words, when using the understanding that comes from your hypnosis session, your mind stretches, and breaks the old behavior, and makes a new pathway—a brand new habit. 

Judy Mitchell

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JWM Counselling

650 3rd Ave,
Prince George, BC
V2L 3C4

250 961 2035


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